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Stories - for lack of a better word (musings, lamentations, poems and other scribbles)

This is where I write for fun - which is not the same as saying the Stories are all funny. 
Usually to jot something down I don't yet know what else to do with, ideas I want to explore and things I find won't fit into the novel I am working on at the given time.


How to read?

Start with learning the alphabet, progress to words, sentences and so on.

Once you have a decent grasp of the fundamentals, read a Story of which title sounds interesting to you.

This is my way of saying "there's no point in reading them in chronological order". 


Appreciate you taking the time to read!





PS: In case you take anything here too serious and/or too literal, I sincerely hope you'll find your way back out of that hole. I cannot possibly accept any responsibility for how you operate your shovels. 


PPS: For those who prefer bullet points over text - here you are:


Sociophile Explorationism
Society is my muse; my desire to understand it is what drives me forward. 
On here I want to explore and poke holes into ideas, take one or several trains of thought and let them crash or derail, 
just to see what I can build with the shattered remains.



Lyrical Jam Sessions
I know nothing about song-writing - other than that I'd be crap with the musical aspect. 
This is the book-writing equivalent of what I think happens in the practice room before going to the studio. 

I would not call these B-Sides. They're more like Bootleg demos.



They are not about a person - they are about people.

If you need a name for them - other than Stories:

#C4LL0U7LTRS'n'$H173, #SoGladYouAsked;-)


It's a starting point, and a journey, on an undiscovered path to destinations unknown.
This isn't a diary or a blog. It's WhatSimonDoes.



Just like drunk kids with issues - I do not write for you - and I do not give a fuck what you think about it.

As long as it makes you think - I am happy traveling. If it doesn't, no love lost.


This, among other reasons, is why there's no 'social interaction features' here.​ 


Should you wish to share a Story with someone you think might enjoy it, you'll have to copy/paste the link manually. 

If you do not have the time or capability to do that, I'll have to assume this page just isn't for you. 

Glad we can agree on that.

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